Saturday, December 26, 2015

Hot- browse Unlimitedly With Etisalat Chat pack Via Psiphon

Hot- browse Unlimitedly With Mtn Chat pack Via Psiphon

I am lovely definite that tons of fanatics are enjoying Etisalat Smartpack Tweak which I posted about a day in th past,
although, will not be speedy for downloading and now not responding
good for streaming, but we're nonetheless managing it to
browsing on the internet until we get a further better server to
pace it up.

Let me swiftly introduce an additional strong VPN to
you which ones can be utilized to avoid like SimpleServer.
It's popularly known as Psiphon.

Psiphon is a circumvention tool from Psiphon Inc .
that utilizes VPN, SSH and HTTP Proxy
technology to provide you with uncensored access to
Internet content. Psiphon is currently working fine
with Nigeria Etisalat and MTN Network.

To use Psiphon VPN with Nigeria Etisalat
Network on Android Devices

=> Subscribe to the weekly Etisalat Chat park, which
is one of Etisalat Smartpak packages that goes for
N150 by dial *343*5*6# or
=> Subscribe to Etisalat monthly Socialme that goes
for N200 by dial *343 *6 *11#
Note: For Socialme package, you must be on Easy
Cliq plan. If you are not on Easy Cliq before dail
*244 *1# to migrate to Easy Cliq before you subscribe
for Socialme package of N200.

Now the Psiphon Configurations

» First of all, Download Psiphon apk version from

» Install it on your Android Device

b>Create New APN settings On Your Phone
with Following settings:

» APN: etisalat

» Save And Activate it as your default settings.

» Installing the Psiphon, launch it and set it up as

» Open Psiphon handler, scroll down and tick
Remove Port

» Under it you will see Proxy Type, just tap and
choose Real Host

» Scroll down to Proxy Server and input

» Now scroll down to Real Proxy Type and tap
the default to select HTTP

» under Real Proxy Server input and 8080 for Real Proxy
and Port

» Then scroll down to the bottom and click Save
» Immediately you click save, a pop up message will
appear requesting to use Tunnel whole device, just tap
on the option to Tunnel Whole Device and it
will take you to the next phase

» Choose the Option Menu

» Under this Option menu, you will see Select
Region, tap and select USA
» Still on the Option menu, you will see the More
tab below, tap it and then scroll down to
Proxy Settings and tick the Connect through
an HTTP Proxy, check the box

» Still on the More Option, select Use the
following settings

» Then scroll down to Host Address and input and 8080 for Port
» Go back now to the main page of the Psiphon and
tap the start button below, you will get a warning
message, tick the box there and OK Psiphon to run,
then wait for it to connect, it will connect and after
that just minimize and fire up any browser and any
other apps.

Enjoy it while it last. Hope this information helps?
If it works for you, don't forget to comment here and
remember to hit Share/Like buttons for the benefit of



Free browsing tweak on MTN with music+ is here once again, get 150 MB data per subscription for free with MTN music plus data and reload it each time it finishes as many time as you want all day or get a SMS scheduler to send the sub code periodically. With this settings, you are guaranteed unlimited free downloads on mtn musicplus cheat. It is thatsimple on Psiphon and Simple Server settings.

How to Set Up Psiphon for Unlimited Browsing on MTN

1. With these settings, you can repeat the subscription as many times as you can but remember to opt out first when the mb finishes before subscribing again. Make sure you have zero naira
2. Subscribe and activate the MTN musicplus Bundle by text: MUSIC to 5900 then wait for the reply  or after some seconds Check your musicplus mb balance with the code: *559*2#
3. Click here to download and install the latest Psiphon handler 100
4. Open the installed Psiphon app and configure the handler as follows:
-          Proxy Type: Real Host
Under X-Online-Host,
-          Proxy Server:
Just leave the others
Tap on Save to close the Handler Settings. Then a pop up will appear and you have to choose “Tunnel whole device
You will be taken to the main screen where you will go to the “Options” menu and select a region.
1. Select “Best Performance” in the ‘region select’.
2. Go down and locate “More options” under the “Handler” button.
3. Under the “Proxy Settings” Check the box beside “Connect through an HTTP” then select “Use the following settings”
-          Host Address:
-          Port: 8080
4. Leave the others as default and go back to the main screen

To use Simple Android Server on Musicplus

1. Go to Local Server settings

2. Tick Use Global Proxy
3. Click General Settings
Proxy host:
Proxy port: 8080
Injection Query/Url: http:/
Injection host:
Injection line: press enter 4 times
4. Save and Start the SimpleServer

How to renew unlimitedly when the 150 mb finishes

1. Text Cancel7D to 5900 (to opt out of the plan first) then
2. Text D to 5900 and wait for the reply or after some seconds check your balance with *559*2#
 please dont leave without sharing this post................................